IN all the arguments about the British rebate in Europe and the Common Agricultural Policy one statistic stands out.
CAP subsidies are sufficient to fly each of the 29 million cows in Europe around the World first class.
The average person in sub-Saharan Africa earns less than $1 a day.
The average cow in Europe earns over $2 a day.
The Common Agricultural Policy swallows more than 40 per cent of Europe's budget, but less than 5% of Europe’s population are employed in agriculture.
That is why the Prime Minister is right when he says that reforming CAP is as important as cancelling debt, improving aid and reforming trade to the Third World.
Some commentators have criticised Bob Geldof and his rock star friends for lecturing people about African poverty.
But in fact they deserve credit for putting their celebrity to good use.
The Make Poverty History Campaign and Live8 have already succeeded in one sense by helping the government to force the issue of World poverty up the agenda here and in other rich countries.
Few people can now be unaware that the G8 leaders, the 7 richest countries in the World, and Russia, are meeting next week in Scotland, and that Britain has made World poverty the number one priority.
We should all be proud that Britain is taking the lead on World poverty, and support the efforts of Bob Geldof and his friends to get the public involved.
That people still die through lack of food and medicine in our World is an obscenity.
Making poverty history shouldn’t have to wait until the day the pigs (or should that be cows) will fly.