Wrecked issues

October 13, 2006 Posted by Kevin Brennan

IN politics there are some problems that are so difficult that they are known as “wicked issues”.

One of them is how to solve the problem of so-called “bed blocking” in the NHS.

This happens when patients are medically fit to leave hospital, but there is no social care place for them in the community.

The consequence of not getting this right is longer NHS waiting lists and more operations cancelled.

It is the job of the local council to get together with the health trust to minimise this problem.

That is why I was dismayed to recently receive a copy of a letter from Simon Jones, Chair of the Cardiff and Vale Health Trust, who outlined his deep concerns about the lack of co-operation from Cardiff Council in preventing “bed blocking”

Managing budgets is always difficult.

As a former chair of Finance on Cardiff City Council I had to do it when there were real cuts under the Tory government.

But it is absolutely unacceptable to try to evade responsibility and pass on a problem to the NHS.

It is irresponsible for the Council to push people onto hospitals which have their own budgetary constraints.

Equally it is wrong for them to play the financial blame game rather than face up to the responsibility of being in office.

Simone Jones was absolutely right to bring his concerns to the public’s attention. Now the council must act.


