Crystal trawl through

IT'S time once again for light-hearted predictions for the New Year.

Looking back at my column this time last year, I see that one or two of them almost came true.

I said that Sam Hammam would buy the Millennium Stadium for 50p, but in fact it was JJ Williams who bid unsuccessfully.

Sadly, Wales under Mark Hughes failed to get to Euro 2004 in Portugal, but it did come down to the final game as I predicted.

Now for this year's gaze into the crystal ball.

Cardiff City will be promoted to the Premiership when Robert Earnshaw scores a last minute winner in the play-off at the Millennium stadium.

Instead of buying th stadium, Sam rents it for a year after persuading council leader Russell Goodway that the club qualifies for Housing Benefit to cover the rent.

Gordon Brown takes over from Tony Blair when the Prime Minister announces he is leaving politics to replace Sir Mick Jagger as lead singer of the Rolling Stones, after Jagger is placed in a nursing home.

George W. Bush is re-elected as American President beating Democrat Howard Dean by once again winning fewer votes than his opponent.

He immediately announces his intention to invade Canada to eliminate their stockpiles of WMC (Weapons of Mad Cows).

Rhodri Morgan announces he is standing down as National Assembly First Minister to take over as the new coach of the Welsh rugby team.

Results improve rapidly after he introduces a policy of free breakfasts for all players.

Tory leader Michael Howard's shock resignation comes after he accepts a lucrative contract to appear in a revival of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
His role is short-lived when Buffy slays him in the first episode.

Finally, the Echo wins the Pulitzer Prize for its investigative journalism which uncovers Osama Bin Laden working behind the bar in a Cardiff nightclub.

Happy New Year!


