Request for urgent action in Radyr

November 14, 2019 Posted by Administrator

Below is the letter I have written to Cardiff Council asking them to urgently deal with the gridlock which is being caused in Radyr.

Over the years I have made a number of representations, specifically during the consultation process and the inquiry, warning not to allow development to run ahead of the system's ability to cope. I've always emphasised the importance for explicit phasing to be implemented in any development so that transport infrastructure is built before any housing - and for traffic to be monitored at every phase.

You can read more about my opinion and proposals on this in more detail in the documents I submitted to the Council's consultation phase here and here. Alternatively you can view a BBC article where I talk about some of my concerns regarding initial proposals here.


Cllr Caro Wild
Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning & Transport
Cabinet Office 
Room 512 County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
CF10 4UW


Dear Councillor Wild,

As you know I opposed the LDP when it was proposed and made public representations to the inquiry and I am writing now to express my concerns about the current situation.

You will be aware of the severe congestion issues currently being experienced in the Radyr area as a result of the Plasdwr development. You will also know that my representations from the outset were that the development if granted permission should not be allowed to run ahead of the system’s ability to cope.

I am asking you to look urgently at how to relieve the current level of congestion by implementing any measures that need to be taken by the council and the developers, in particular at the junction of Heol Isaf and Llantrisant Road.

I call on the Council to take firm steps to address the situation as soon as possible because of the level of disruption being caused, and to consult residents, including new residents, in doing so.

I accept that planning and transport are a devolved matter but I urge you to act on my representations urgently.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours sincerely

Kevin Brennan
Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Cardiff West


